Roswell Dance Starz Auditions

MAY 4-6, 2021
Roswell Physical Activity Center
10495 Woodstock Road, Roswell, GA 30075
Becoming a member of Roswell Dance Starz Performance Company places a student in an elite group of talented performers who continually strive to meet professional standards. The program helps students develop their skills by providing many valuable opportunities and resources, such as:
Learning and working as a team on a higher level of learning to produce above average results
Performing in exclusive “company-only” shows and pieces
Providing opportunities to take part in dance conventions and competitions, both locally and nationally
Contributing to a committed group of performers under the direction of accomplished professional teachers and coaches
Building lasting friendships through the strong bonds of team spirit and celebration of collective accomplishments
Being part of the Dance Starz Performance Company requires strict dedication on the part of its members in order to reach their goals and the goals of the Company. If you are chosen to become a Company member, your participation and determination is essential and you will be expected to follow through on the commitments as outlined in the Company Handbook (given out after Company Auditions).
Roswell Dance Starz & Roswell Performing Arts endeavors to maintain an excellent standard. We are pleased to welcome members who will embrace this goal and join our team.
Audition Schedule:
- Tuesday, May 4, 2021 – Rising 2nd and 3rd graders, 4:15-6:00 PM
- Tuesday, May 4, 2021 – Rising 6th-8th graders, 6:15-8:15 PM
- Wednesday, May 5, 2021 – Rising 4th and 5th graders, 4:30-6:30 PM
- Thursday, May 6, 2021 – Rising 9th-12th graders, 5:30-8:00 PM
Audition Fee: $10, Members; $20, Non-Members cash or check made out to Roswell Dance Starz
Auditions will consist of ballet (pointe, if applicable), jazz/contemporary, and tap technique. Audition attire should consist of a plain black leotard, pink tights, and a ballet bun.
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