Roswell Dance Starz Company
Roswell Dance Starz is the residing dance company of Roswell Performing Arts, within The City of Roswell Recreation & Parks Departent (RRPD). Designed to give talented dancers training in dance technique and provide an outlet for performance, this pre-professional program focuses equally on technique, proficiency, and dance education along with performance quality.
Dancers have the opportunity to be a major part of a large-scale performance, experience professional workshops, have option to compete, and attend master classes and a variety of other educational and performance opportunities.
The company is comprised of several divisions divided by both grade level and talent, including rising 2nd-12th grades. Dancers are trained to be knowledgeable of their art form and should be open to learning new aspects of the field of dance.
Due to the intensive format of this program dancers, are asked to take this commitment seriously, both with time and effort.
Company Levels
- Company 1– Ballet/Jazz/Tap. 2 days per week: approx. 4 hours per week
- Company 2– Ballet/Jazz/Tap. 2 days per week: approx. 4 hours per week
- Company 3– Ballet/Jazz/Tap/Contemporary. 3 days per week: approx. 5 hours per week
- Company 4– Ballet/Pointe/Jazz/Tap/Contemporary/Hip hop. 3 days per week: approx. 7 hours per week
- Company 5– Ballet/Pointe/Jazz/Tap/Contemporary/Hip hop. 3 days per week: approx. 7 hours per week
- Company 6– Ballet/Pointe/Jazz/Tap/Contemporary/Hip hop. 3 days per week: approx. 7 hours per week